Arc 3 – Slag that Entertainment Tycoon
Chapter 62

Chi Zhao slept until dawn, completely unaware that just last night, the plot of this world had become precarious again.

In order to keep him from going out, Qi Yuyang basically pushed away all the activities he could push aside. He hadn’t been like this before but since the time they had barbeque, his actions had become more and more intense.

If you asked him, he would give a plausible explanation: Keeping a low profile and accepting less of those messy activities can reduce the chance of meeting perverts.

But how could there be so many perverts? Although there are men who like men, there aren’t as many of them as heterosexuals. The manager made some reasonable complaints, but he didn’t dare say it to Qi Yuyang. He could only suggest to Chi Zhao to personally talk it out with Qi Yuyang. Chi Zhao however wasn’t interested in increasing his exposure. He had already had his fun being an actor and no longer have any interest in acting or appearing in front of the public.

Let’s put it this way. If Qi Yuyang pushed all his activities off and made him stay at home everyday to lounge around, he wouldn’t say a word and would instead calmly accept it.

Him being like this not only made his manager confused, Qi Yuyang was also unhappy.

It was because Qi Yuyang realised that he couldn’t tell what Xue Qing wanted.

Humans live their lives to satisfy their desires. Only if one has desires can they have the motivation to live. Qi Yuyang deeply related to this but Xue Qing didn’t seem to be interested in anything. He always looked like he had no desires in life, making Qi Yuyang feel uneasy and even a little anxious.

Because like this, he felt like he couldn’t tie Xue Qing down. It was as if Xue Qing would suddenly leave any moment.

Sitting in his office, Qi Yuyang looked down at the documents with a gloomy expression. The employee who had brought the documents over couldn’t help but sweat nervously. Recently, President Qi hadn’t been coming to the company much and had basically worked at home or chased an artist named Xue Qing around. Today, he had turned up and they had thought that it was because he was in a good mood, but it clearly didn’t seem to be the case.

The employee lamented inside and got ready for the incoming anger but, after waiting for a long time, President Qi still didn’t speak. He quietly raised his head. President Qi was still the same as earlier, but his eyes appeared unfocused.

The employee breathed a sigh of relief. Just as he was about to turn and leave, he heard Qi Yuyang ask, “I remember that you have been married for nine years and your daughter is currently in elementary school?”

The employee was stunned, “Yes, President Qi. Why are you suddenly asking me this?”

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Qi Yuyang stared at the employee’s face for a while and suddenly asked, “With your appearance, you still managed to get someone to give birth to your daughter. It seems that you have some skills. How did you manage to capture your wife?”

Employee: “…….”

If you’re asking for experience, just ask for experience. Why are you attacking me in the process?!

With a sullen face, the employee silently cursed him back. He then smiled and said, “It’s very simple. Just treat her well. Treat her better than anyone else would.”

Qi Yuyang furrowed his brows, “I also know that I should treat him well but how should I do it?” (KKnotes: Him and her sound the same in Chinese so the employee isn’t aware that Qi Yuyang is talking about a man.)

Qi Yuyang was just a young man in his twenties and he clearly has no experience in dating. Seeing the aloof president suddenly asking himself how to pursue another woman, the employee straightened his back and secretly felt satisfied inside.

“Pay attention to her inner world and satisfy her material needs. The most important thing is to make her aware that you are talking to her as a man. These are the three important points. With president’s conditions, no matter how difficult that woman is, it shouldn’t be a problem for you.”

Qi Yuyang didn’t correct the employee’s misunderstanding. He thought about the three points and felt that they were reliable advice. But what did it mean to make him realise that he’s talking to him as a man?

Qi Yuyang asked the employee this. The employee just smiled mysteriously, “Because your ultimate goal is to become her boyfriend, not her friend. If you don’t correctly show her that, it’s useless even if you give her the moon. The only outcome is becoming her male best friend.”


Qi Yuyang understood. It’s basically making him understand that he is interested in him.


Suddenly being told that he wanted to have a heart to heart talk, Chi Zhao couldn’t react.

There was a swimming pool in Qi Yuyang’s home. At eight o’clock in the evening, the two men sat by the pool together, each wearing loose fitting pants and holding a bottle of beer in their hands.

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Chi Zhao can swim but Xue Qing couldn’t so he could only sit by the side of the pool in daze. Qi Yuyang also can swim but, in order to accompany Xue Qing, he similarly stayed on land.

“I remember when we were in high school, as soon as there was swimming class, you would take the day off. I thought that after so many years you would have learnt to swim.”

Chi Zhao shook his head, “Didn’t learn.”

Almost no actors couldn’t swim because they didn’t know when they will be required to film water related scenes. Qi Yuyang looked at Chi Zhao, “Are you afraid of water?

How would Chi Zhao know the answer to this? The plot didn’t mention everything about this so Chi Zhao could only continue shaking his head and reply vaguely, “I just don’t want to learn.”

Doesn’t that still mean that you’re afraid of water?

Qi Yuyang was able to understand Xue Qing a little more and felt a little happy. He laid down on the beach chair and looked up at the dark and gloomy sky. The air in the city was very bad at night. Not to mention stars, even the clouds in the sky couldn’t be seen.

“My father taught me how to swim. He said that swimming is a skill that everyone should know and then threw me into the pool regardless of whether I wanted to do it or not.”

Qi Yuyang showed a nostalgic expression, “I thought I was going to drown. At that time, I thought my father wanted to kill me. I flailed around in the water for a long time shouting for help but then I realised that my father had been supporting me all along so that I didn’t sink.”

“He was rarely by my side when I was young and was always very busy. My mother then divorced him, so no one was at home to care for me. Over a month, I would only see him a few times but during those few times he left me with good memories so when I think of him now, I don’t feel any resentment towards him.”

Qi Yuyang started to talk about his past. When he finished saying this, he didn’t hear a response from the other party. Looking over, he saw that Chi Zhao was looking ahead in daze.


To put it bluntly, Chi Zhao could resonate with the topic of childhood but that wasn’t the case for Xue Qing.

His mother had died when he was four and his father was also someone with a warped character. Raised by his father since a young age, he became selfish, numb and indifferent; not liking anything in this world and also not hating anything in this world. He was basically like an emotionless stone. It could be seen in the plot that Xue Qing held almost no feelings for his father. As for why it was almost, it was because the little bit of feeling he had for his father was just hatred.

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He felt that his father was responsible for him becoming like this. His father had never shown him any concern when he was a child and he had never experienced love, so he naturally didn’t know how to love others.

That was very reasonable but unfortunately when criminals are convicted, they don’t think about why the criminals become the way they have turned out and only investigate what they did.

As Qi Yuyang spoke, Chi Zhao was in daze. He was thinking about Xue Qing’s past but in Qi Yuyang’s eyes, he looked like he had fallen into his own memories. Qi Yuyang now remembered that Xue Qing seemed to have come from a single-parent household and his family background wasn’t very good.

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Qi Yuyang was a little conflicted. He however was still a little curious because Xue Qing had never talked about his family, “How is your father now?”

Chi Zhao was surprised, “You remember my father?”

Qi Yuyang rubbed his nose, “I don’t remember, just heard others talk about it. Seemed to be a professor or a doctor?”

He used to be a doctor and a part-time professor but since Xue Qing started high school, he quit his job and stayed at home the whole time doing who knows what kind of bad things.

Xue Qing’s impression of his father was only two words; indifference and hatred of the rich. Chi Zhao however felt that this impression of his wasn’t very reliable.

Because from the plot point of view, his father had a lot of students and many of these students are children from even wealthier backgrounds than Qi Yuyang but he didn’t do anything to them. Instead, he taught them and imparted them with knowledge. Perhaps he really did hate the rich, but it certainly wasn’t as extreme as what Xue Qing thought.

Alas, it was useless saying anything now. He was already dead.

After kidnapping Qi Yuyang, Xue Qing’s father had disappeared. No one knew where he went and what he was doing. Xue Qing thought he was going to squander the money he had ransomed. Qi Yuyang’s grandparents had given him a ransom of 60 million and six years ago, the value of 60 million was double the current value. With so much money, it was enough for him to spend it for a lifetime.

When Xue Qing’s father left, he didn’t leave any of the ransom money for Xue Qing but he didn’t take away the house, the house deposit or any of the other money. Xue Qing had relied on these things to survive until this day. Without it, he wouldn’t have even been able to attend college.

Chi Zhao was silent for a moment, “He used to be a doctor. As for now, I don’t know.”

Qi Yuyang was surprised, “You don’t know…….What does that mean?”

Qi Yuyang could easily find out whether or not Chi Zhao was lying with a quick check, so Chi Zhao told the truth, “He has left for many years now. I don’t know how he’s doing.”

After saying this, Chi Zhao lowered his eyes and acted the role of a pitiful child abandoned by his father. Qi Yuyang watched him silently. He didn’t know how to coax someone, let alone comfort them so after a brief silence, he laid back down, looked up at the dark sky and then closed his eyes.

“There are many visitors in life. Among those who leave you, he is not the first and he will also not be the last.”

Chi Zhao looked over at Qi Yuyang with a frown. He didn’t understand what he was trying to say.

“Some would leave, some would stay.” Qi Yuyang suddenly opened his eyes. He turned to look at Chi Zhao and the two looked at each other. Chi Zhao was slightly startled inside.

Blinking his eyes, Qi Yuyang revealed a slightly shy smile, “As for me, I want to stay.”

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<Chapter 61> <Table of Contents> <Chapter 63>

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17 thoughts on “IRASS – CH62

  1. ES 7th December 2020 / 1:00 pm


    Liked by 23 people

  2. ngaismiles 7th December 2020 / 1:25 pm

    And so it begins!!! Muhahaha! System here is some sympathy!☻

    Liked by 16 people

  3. ike00000 7th December 2020 / 3:53 pm

    what do you mean no experience???? just too talented…

    Liked by 2 people

  4. • Phantom Shade • 7th December 2020 / 8:21 pm


    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. ResidentialPsycho 8th December 2020 / 12:53 am

    System, this is a red flag! Wake up, system!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. QH 8th December 2020 / 4:54 pm

    The system should learn already that no matter what Chi Zhao do to not stray from the plot, the system cannot control the protagonist of the said plot to stray from the plot line. It wasn’t even CX’s fault this time. The ML just swerved out of the plot by himself XD

    Liked by 6 people

  7. Erika Thais 19th February 2021 / 1:25 am

    raise your hand to anyone who is feeling this smell of derailed weave
    I will light a candle for the system

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Annie 8th April 2021 / 12:02 pm

    If there’s any straight man reading this, don’t listen to that employee’s advice. I want the one listening to me to be a person. Not a narrow minded societal concept HA


  9. Bubble Bul 21st April 2021 / 8:40 pm

    Qi Yuyang: Could it be that Xue Qing’s biggest desire is… Barbecue !?

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Misaki 26th April 2021 / 1:52 pm

    That father is very suspicious, even the man the protagonist ends up with in the end is suspicious

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Ocean 6th May 2021 / 8:41 am

    Lol i love that he’s fucking it up without even knowing lolol

    Liked by 1 person

  12. BaraTitties 29th June 2021 / 7:40 pm

    May the big brother system rest in peace

    Liked by 1 person

  13. 他子啊殿下闲了 6th July 2021 / 7:25 pm

    It’s so funny please, the plot has been disrupted again.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Aprillen 1st December 2023 / 6:34 pm

    Chi Zhao really was just lying down…and the plot collapsed 🤣🤣🤣


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