Arc 7 – Farewell to that Senior Brother
Chapter 173

There was the gurgling of water next to his ears. A cold chill spread from his skin to the inside of his body. Under his feet was an unknown force pushing him along. Chi Zhao felt like he was in an ice cellar. It was too cold. He shivered and slowly opened his eyes.

There was no ice around. The reason it was cold was because this was an underground cave with no light passing through. A the base of the cave was also ground water that reached his waist. The temperature of this water was about three or four degrees and that was the main reason why Chi Zhao, who was currently kneeling in that water, felt cold.

He was taken aback for a moment. He moved his arms only to find that both his arms and legs are submerged underwater and he was bound by a heavy chain. Since there was also a spell applied to the chains, he wouldn’t be able to break free using only brute force. He tried to stand but when he got up, he found that the length of the chain didn’t allow for him to do that. But with that moment just now, he noticed that he wasn’t sitting on the floor but on a disc-shaped stone.

And around him were another five disc-shaped stones.

The five stones surrounded him like a five-pointed star. There was nothing on those stones. The sound of the water flow was still ringing in his ears. Chi Zhao couldn’t help but swallow nervously. He suddenly felt that this scene was a little familiar.

In TV shows like this, if a villain or an evil faction was about to cause trouble, they would always come to a place like this and offer up sacrifices.

For some reason, Chi Zhao felt that he was that sacrifice.

He couldn’t be that unlucky, right?!

When Chi Zhao stared ahead in daze, suddenly, a figure appeared from the cave entrance behind him. He glanced at Chi Zhao who had already woken up and then silently smirked before leaping and appearing before Chi Zhao. The place he landed just happened to be the stone in front of Chi Zhao. He looked at Chi Zhao condescendingly, his eyes filled with mockery and irony.

Looking up at the extremely familiar face, Chi Zhao said nothing.

He was able to remain calm, but the other party couldn’t. He raised a brow and looked at Chi Zhao for a while. He was quite disappointed that he couldn’t see panic or anger in Chi Zhao.

“Don’t you have anything to say to me?”

Han Yu rarely made such an obvious expression. Chi Zhao looked at him for several seconds and asked, “Who are you?”

‘Han Yu’s’ face changed in an instant. Facing the other’s stunned look, Chi Zhao asked again, “Is Han Yu already dead?”

Chi Zhao couldn’t be blamed for asking this question. After all, in the cultivation realm, once you are taken over, the person that is taken over is usually dead without even the opportunity for reincarnation.

Living in this world, Chi Zhao’s attention had always been on Lin Changfeng. He had learned from the system that these worlds were all virtual worlds. Although everything may seem extremely real, the plants, trees and every human and every object are all fake. His lack of interest in the others was firstly, because he wanted to make the most of his time with Lin Changfeng and secondly, because he didn’t want to develop feelings for something that doesn’t exist. One-sided feelings are always sad, and he didn’t want to be sad.

But because he had been indifferent to the rest of the world for too long, although he was extremely angry at this very moment, he didn’t show it. Only his hands which were concealed in the water were clenched so tightly, his knuckles were white.

‘Han Yu’ tilted his head. After a short second, he sneered, “You sure are loyal.”

“I only took over his body temporarily. Don’t worry, he won’t die any time soon.”

Han Yu’s voice sat between the voice of a teenager and the voice of a young man. As soon as he was done, another light and charming voice sounded behind Chi Zhao, “As for who I am, won’t you know if you look back?”

Chi Zhao subconsciously turned back and saw a young woman about twenty years old looking at him with a smile. Her appearance could only be described as breathtakingly beautiful and even Chi Zhao who wouldn’t feel anything towards a woman was moved by her appearance. The last time Chi Zhao felt this way was the sect leader of the He Huan sect.

Thinking this, Chi Zhao half guessed and half asked: “You’re He….”

Before he could finish speaking, there was suddenly a thud from behind him. Chi Zhao was taken aback. He quickly turned around and saw that the source of the loud noise was Han Yu. His whole body had fallen to the ground and now his upper body was submerged in the water while his lower body remained on the stone. Chi Zhao’s eyes widened. He wanted to hurry over to help Han Yu up but before he could stand up, a strong energy pulled him back.

He couldn’t leave even half a centimetre away from the stone.

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With the same technique, the woman landed lightly on the stone. She looked at Han Yu as if she was looking at an inanimate object. With a casual kick, Han Yu was kicked into the water and she continued to look at Chi Zhao.

The disgust in her eyes was very obvious but it wasn’t disgust towards Chi Zhao but disgust towards the word he had uttered, “I am not someone from He Huan, don’t even put me together with that sect.”

Several bubbles surfaced. Chi Zhao was smarter this time. Knowing that his legs couldn’t move, he moved his upper body instead and stretched his arm out to grab Han Yu’s clothes. He hurriedly pulled him to his side. There were some splashes. Chi Zhao felt Han Yu grabbing his hand, so he knew he was awake. Increasing his strength, he soon managed to pull Han Yu out.

Controlling another person’s body. This was something that could only be done once someone reaches the soul severing stage and generally no one would do it because it used up too much of one’s energy. Besides, the bodies that could be controlled by those in the soul severing stage are only people who are at the foundation stage or lower. A big boss like that normally wouldn’t covet a body of such a small fry. Those who were controlled would also still remember what they did while they were controlled and if they were powerful enough, they could actually trace it back to the person who was controlling them so it can be quite risky.

Han Yu’s current expression was extremely poor. He first glanced at Chi Zhao who had been chained up. That look of his was filled with guilt and complicated emotions. He didn’t dare look directly at Chi Zhao so he quickly looked away.

He jumped up from the water and asked the woman sitting in front of him, “Left guardian, why are you doing this?!”

Left guardian?

It sounded familiar.

Chi Zhao was stunned for a while and, finally, he dug up a name from deep in his memory.

The left guardian of the Liyang Palace, Meng Xinxiao, and also the heroine of the four-sided scandal that had rocked the cultivation realm.

Meng Xinxiao slowly raised her lids. When she looked at Chi Zhao, she would reveal a fake smile but when she looked at Han Yu, her expression was very cold. If anyone else saw this, they would think that Meng Xinxiao hated Han Yu very much and treated him worse than Chi Zhao, but only the people from Liyang Palace knew that the closer she was to someone, the more indifferent she acts She and Chi Zhao weren’t familiar, so she was able to deal with him without hesitation, but towards her junior brother, she still held some affection.

Looking at Han Yu coldly, she asked back, “Don’t you already know? Why are you asking me now?”

Meng Xinxiao had controlled Han Yu’s body for four hours. Transporting Chi Zhao and Han Yu over to this cave seemed to have exhausted all her spiritual powers so she was currently completely defenceless. If Chi Zhao could move, the two disciples before her would be able to kill her. To consume her spiritual power like this, even if she was an immortal, she wouldn’t be able to withstand it. She had taken advantage of Chi Zhao’s trust in Han Yu to bring him here and she should’ve released her control then but she continued to control Han Yu and did a lot of things with his body. Each second used to control Han Yu, the more dangerous it was for herself.

Han Yu didn’t understand. He really couldn’t understand.

“All this just to resurrect that murderer?! You hurt so many people and don’t even want your own life for that?! Are you crazy?!”

Meng Xinxiao’s expression had always been very indifferent, but after hearing Han Yu’s words, she suddenly sat up and stared straight at Han Yu, “Qinghe Zhenren is not a murderer. The ones who killed him are.”

Since the time he realised that he was an offering about to be sacrificed, Chi Zhao had been wondering why they brought him here. He didn’t have anything and the only thing about him that was different from the others was his Yin spiritual root. There weren’t many things related to the Yin spiritual root, so it wasn’t hard for Chi Zhao to guess their intentions. Looking at Meng Xinxiao now, he felt that something wasn’t quite right.

Meng Xinxiao didn’t seem to be the mastermind. When she mentioned the big villain, the late Qinghe Zhenren, although her expression was serious and her words were firm, she didn’t appear crazed, like she would do anything to resurrect him.

Moreover, Han Yu had just mentioned that she had hurt a lot of people…..

What people? Isn’t it just the three of them here? Were there other sacrifices too?

As the one who seemed to be in the most dangerous situation, Chi Zhao was instead the calmest. It was because he believed that his world wouldn’t be that ridiculous. He would definitely be able to escape and his Dao companion would definitely come and rescue him but where necessary, he should also try to save himself so that he wouldn’t drag Lin Changfeng down.

Chi Zhao took in the surroundings and tried to ask casually, “You want to resurrect Qinghe Zhenren? Isn’t the person you like the Yuanhe Mage?”

At the mention of the Yuanhe Mage, Meng Xinxiao’s expression distorted for a moment, “Don’t mention that bald donkey to me! Utter nonsense. This guardian falling for him? If it wasn’t for the Golden Toad Pagoda in his hands, why would someone like Lusi and myself be involved with that guy?”

The Golden Toad Pagoda was a sacred artifact of the Lingshan School. It was rumoured that it could rescue people who have lost their souls and gather it together.

Chi Zhao was stunned for a moment. So that is to say, that four-sided love relationship was fake? Meng Xinxiao and Lusi only approached the Yuanhe Mage for the sake of the Golden Toad Pagoda?

The rumour that Meng Xinxiao liked the Yuanhe Mage had been around since a hundred years ago. After nearly a hundred years passed and despite still being unable to obtain it, she wasn’t in a hurry but two years ago, she started to feel anxious. Seeing that she couldn’t do it, she even got Lusi who already had a Dao companion to take the Yuanhe Mage down.

Why did she suddenly get anxious? Was it because of Chi Zhao’s appearance?

Six hundred years ago, Zhenren Qinghe self-destructed. It was said that he had let himself to ruin due qi deviation and as a result, his soul scattered and even his corpse couldn’t be found. Meng Xinxiao lied that she had fallen for the Yuanhe Mage to get the Golden Toad Pagoda and as for why they kidnapped him…..

Chi Zhao swore inside. He had a feeling that he was probably the vessel.

The four-sided relationship was indeed fake. Meng Xinxiao and Lusi’s relationship was very good and they both belonged to the four fairies of the Liyang Palace. Not only was Meng Xinxiao’s love for the Yuanhe Mage fake, but it was also the same three hundred years ago when Lusi Fairy and Feiyu Daoist become Dao companions. Lusi Fairy had only agreed to it in order to eavesdrop on Zhao Tian sect’s secrets.

Like Meng Xinxiao, Lusi Fairy wasn’t interested in men at all. The reason why the four-sided relationship rumour came about was because they needed a distracting topic at the time.

At that time, their movements were too big and too frequent. Because of Chi Zhao’s sudden appearance, it was an excellent opportunity for them, so the plans that were originally not in a hurry now needed to be done quickly. In order not to let the disappearances become a sensation, Meng Xinxiao and Lusi teamed up to spread the rumour of the four-sided relationship with Feiyu Daoist and Yuanhe Mage. Things like one-night stands and avenging were exaggerated embellishments.

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Chi Zhao wanted to ask more questions but a cold voice suddenly sounded behind him, “Xinxiao, you should rest now.”

Seeing the person appearing at the entrance, Meng Xinxiao habitually straightened up and bowed her head to humble herself, “Yes, sect leader.”

Sect leader…….?

With a click, the light bulb in Chi Zhao’s mind turned on.

The clues he had overlooked finally connected now. Meng Xinxiao was the left guardian. Even if she had a good relationship with Lusi Fairy, it was impossible for her to get her involved with resurrecting Qinghe Zhenren. Moreover, she had used Han Yu to capture him. If Han Yu wasn’t there and she wanted him to lower his guard, it would have been quite difficult.

Even with the Golden Toad Pagoda, Meng Xinxiao could fight a long battle for more than a hundred years so using several years to capture him also wasn’t a problem.

There was only one person who could make the four fairies of the Liyang Palace to obey them and be able to send so many master cultivators to the secret realm.

It was the sect leader of the Liyang Palace. Three years ago, she had personally asked Han Yu if he wanted to join her sect as her disciple.

Chi Zhao still remembered clearly the gaze Wanluan sect leader used to look at him. It was because she had reacted the strongest when it was reported that he had the Yin spiritual root. At that time, he thought Wanluan was looking at him like she was looking at a monster but now that he thought about it again, she didn’t seem like she was looking at a monster, but at an extremely incredible thing.

It turned out that from that time, he had been targeted. She had accepted Han Yu probably because she saw Han Yu’s close relationship with him.

It had happened all too suddenly. When Wanluan thought she could take Chi Zhao, he had already agreed to join the Zhao Tian sect. It couldn’t be helped. She could only take a step back and do the next best thing and accept his friend Han Yu. At that time, she didn’t expect Han Yu to be of any use but she had only accepted him to her sect as a backup plan. It just happened that in the end, it was this backup plan that helped her capture Chi Zhao.

What Chi Zhao could think of, Han Yu could naturally think of too. His eyes looking at the Wanluan sect leader turned vigilant and sharp. Wanluan sect leader still wore a veil. She didn’t even look at Han Yu and just ordered the people behind her, “No one returned alive from the secret realm of the Fantasy Sea. Mengyi, you take Fengse’s place and sit on the fire seat.”

Gold, wood, water, fire, earth. Meng Xinxiao sat on the earth seat and the woman called Mengyi sat on the fire seat. Chi Zhao could only express some shock. Couldn’t it be that the entire Liyang Palace was under the sect leader;s control? The entire Liyang Palace was willing to resurrect Qinghe?

The entrance was very narrow and could only accommodate one person at a time. After the woman called Mengyi walked over, the people who appeared after that were all men of different appearances. The men in the Liyang palace were all Dao companions of the disciples there so they wouldn’t bear a face that was seventy or eighty years old in appearance. There was however an old man among that group of men. It meant that he was probably not from the Liyang palace.

The eyes he used to look at Chi Zhao were almost fanatical. This man looked like a complete madman.

Chi Zhao looked at him warily. Wangluan instructed the last person who entered, “The formation can be activated. Start bloodletting.”


Chi Zhao was stunned. Han Yu next to hum suddenly got agitated. He rushed to Wanluan and yelled, “No! You can’t do this. They’re all innocent. Why are you using their lives to exchange for Qinghe Zhenren’s life?! You’re going against the heavens like this. Please, master. Stop! I’m begging you!!”

Chi Zhao originally thought that the bloodletting mentioned by Wanluan was for himself to bleed but now, in hindsight, he looked up at the only place he had overlooked before.

Just above his head were numerous cages made with the same material as the chains that bound him. Inside them sat a group of people who were all pale and weak. They looked like they were dead and only the small rise and falls on the chest indicated that they were still alive.

Chi Zhao also saw an acquaintance in there. Yu Mochen was no longer as high-spirited as he was a year ago and his clothes were dirty and tattered. One of his hands hung lifelessly out the edge of the cage and there appeared to be dried blood on it.

There was a total of eighty-one cultivators and they were at the core formation stage or above but at this moment they looked like slaves in ancient times, confined inside a cage, completely unconscious. Some have only been imprisoned for a few months while others have been imprisoned for thousands of years.

Chi Zhao originally had no idea how the resurrection would work, and everything felt unreal. It was only at this moment that he realised that he was truly in a dangerous situation.

For someone to be able to do this kind of thing, how much of a madman must they be?

Chi Zhao’s eyes were now finally covered with a layer of fear. Wanluan took this in and even smiled a little. Her smile was hidden under the veil so no one saw it and before anyone could notice it, that smile was already gone.

It was because she heard the sounds of someone breaking in.

That person was slaughtering her disciples and guards outside. He single-handedly cut through the throats of anyone who tried to stop him using a sword that was originally used protect the world. He was completely untouched by the formations left along the way and he continued to approach their current location.

Slowly getting closer and closer.


The narrow entrance was cut open by a slash from the sword. That slash also cut a small hole on Wanluan’s veil. She narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at the man who suddenly appeared in front of her who looked more terrifying than any demon.

And then, she smiled again.

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4 thoughts on “IRASS – CH173

  1. SuouNono 7th April 2021 / 1:55 pm

    Oh nooo, those people who got kidnapped… That part gave me chills!!

    Thank you for the update!

    Liked by 3 people

  2. BaraTitties 1st July 2021 / 5:29 pm

    I really think the former sect leader of Zhao Tian(?) is the mastermind, idk but like when the ML said ever since Chi Zhao appeared, he smile more often, and the theory that he was the dead yin cultivator

    Liked by 2 people

  3. BaraTitties 1st July 2021 / 5:29 pm

    Aish I mean the lover of the dead yin cultivator


  4. Sol Invictvs 5th November 2022 / 7:34 pm

    Wouldn’t it be interesting if CZ ends up being the protagonist and the prisoner


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